
A Comprehensive Guide To Human Design Chart

Human Design is an emerging system of self-discovery and personal growth that blends elements of astrology, the iChing, the Kabbalah, and quantum physics. The design is based on the idea that each individual has a unique design determined at birth. Understanding this design can lead to improved decision-making, greater self-awareness, and a greater sense of one’s purpose and destiny. You can opt for a free Human Design chart in the beginning because it will enable you to gain a better understanding of your personality, discover strengths and weaknesses, and have the opportunity to explore one’s potential and purpose.

human design chart

Interpreting The Chart

You can opt for a free Human Design chart and get guidance on navigating life’s challenges best and making well-informed decisions. The chart comprises the following vital components – the five types, the nine centers, the four authority mechanisms, the 64 gates, and the five elements. Each segment contains essential information about your personality, motivations, and potential life paths.

Five Types of Human Design

The five types are:

  1. Generators
  2. Manifestors
  3. Manifesting Generators
  4. Projectors
  5. Reflectors

Each gives the individual access to various energies and knowledge that can be used to live a more fulfilling life.

Generators are the most common type of design, and these people have access to sustainable energy. They feel satisfied when they use their energy correctly but frustrated if they don’t.

Manifestors are the only type of people who can initiate directly, and they are the people who can get out and make things happen. To be successful, Manifestors should learn to communicate their intentions to those impacted by their actions.

Manifesting Generators are a combination of Generator and Manifestor and are unique because they have the enthusiastic response of a Generator and can initiate like a Manifestor.

Projectors are designed to recognize talents and guide the energy types. To be successful, Projectors must wait to be recognized and invited to major events in their life.

Reflectors are greatly influenced by their environment and the people around them. Therefore, they should be careful in their relationships and wait through one Moon cycle before making significant decisions in their life.

Nine Centers

The Nine centers of Human Design are the nine energetic channels, or gateways, through which a person’s life force, or chi, flows. They are the foundation of the Human Design System, a synthesis of astrology, the iChing, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System.

The Nine Centers are represented by nine geometric shapes, or ‘Gates,’ which correspond to the nine planets in the solar system. Each center has its unique vibration and qualities, and together they form a blueprint of the individual, a map of their strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

64 Gates

The 64 gates of the chart are the 64 hexagrams used in I Ching. Each gate contains a unique set of qualities and potential paths in life. By understanding the meaning of each, you can gain insights into your possible ways and make more informed decisions.

Five Elements

The five elements of the Human Design chart are Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Wood. Each element contains a unique set of qualities and abilities. By understanding the meaning of each, you can gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses and make more informed decisions.


Human Design is a powerful system of self-discovery and personal growth. By decoding your chart, you can gain a better and deeper understanding of your personality, motivations, and potential paths in life. With this knowledge, you can make more informed decisions and find greater clarity and purpose in your life.