
How Digital Marketing Has Changed Over the Years

In a world where social media is now the main means of obtaining information, companies have started to change how they advertise to the world. Digital marketing has had to evolve in order to deal with these changes so that businesses can continue to connect with customers and keep themselves going instead of being left behind in the dust. So how exactly has digital marketing changed over the years?

Digital Marketing in The 90s

Seeking a digital marketing agency in utah would be very different back in the 1990s than it would today. Back then, the first search engine was born and then SEO (search engine optimization) was born shortly after. Web-ad banners started to make a headway around 1994 and businesses were slowly starting to get footholds in the digital realm.

Digital Marketing For The Millennial Generation

At the start of the 2000s, a massive economic bubble started to grow, but by 2002, that bubble burst and many businesses were injured. New websites were launched in order to help recover from the burst, and more social media sites started to appear, such as MySpace, WordPress, and LinkedIn. The mobile messaging market also started to thrive during this time.

Digital Marketing For Mobile

Increased marketing and sales over the coming years were the result of mobile marketing. Smartphones were starting to become more popular and people could browse the Internet away from their computers. That meant they could do their shopping from anywhere at any time, so companies started to invest more effort and time into beefing up the mobile versions of their websites.

Digital Marketing In The Present

In today’s world, over 50% of an individual’s time is spent on a mobile device. This has made social networking all the more important, leading to a digital marketing revolution. It is expected to continue growing over the coming years with more and newer trends being created every other month or so.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing can take many forms in this day and age. Some are older than others, but they’re still quite effective for the right audiences. Some forms of digital marketing include:

  • Content Promotion: this focuses on the creation and distribution of certain content that is meant for a specific audience.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEO): SEO is the process of developing high-quality search traffic from search engine results, usually through research as to what people are searching for and tailoring one’s content to match those searches.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): this is a little different from SEO; SEM is paid and free search traffic.
  • Affiliate Promotion: this is the use of third parties to get the word out about your products and/or services, where they receive a commission in return.

Getting your foot in the door when it comes to digital marketing is always a good idea, but it’s an even better idea to hire professionals to get it done right the first time. If you’re looking to expand or improve your digital marketing realm, then consider contacting a local professional to see what they can do to help.