
Shuro Chi Wish Wall | Wishes, Keys & More 2023

Of course, you have heard of the famous game that allows you to fulfill your wishes during one of its raids. The game is Destiny 2. In fact, a lot of players are into playing this game. Now, you might wonder who Shuro Chi Wish Wall.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall

Shuro Chi Wish Wall

Well, you do not need to worry as we will explain in this article. Also, we are going to focus on all aspects of this game. By the time you are done reading this article, I am sure you are going to understand this game and all its details.

Destiny 2 Shuro Chi Wish Wall

This game has different versions.in Destiny 2, Shuro Chi is the second person that you need to defeat. In fact, she is a part of Destiny 2: Forsaken’s last wish raid. Also, Kalli was the first in the fight of Destiny 2. But, players have vouched for the fact that shuro chi is more difficult to handle.

In fact, Destiny 2: Forsaken’s last wish raid game starts with a large number of taken enemies that need to be defeated. In fact, another name for Shuro Chi is Shuro Chi, the Corrupted. Also, she is an Awoken Techeun and she served Queen Mara Sov.

Further, the Guardian killed her after she was taken by Oryx in the Last Wish Raid. Of course, this game is quick-paced and tests your ability to solve puzzles. Also, there are various strategies to kill Shuro Chi available on the web. Fans of the game can check them out.

The game is special since it allows the players to fulfill their wishes during the last raid. Of course, it is an exciting opportunity for players.

The shuro chi wish wall reveals the series of plates that are hidden across our very own solar system.

Further, in the Destiny 2 wish walls, you can pass through the walls with ease. You need to play the game very strategically. For instance, you must know that the wish wall has various hidden secrets. For example, you need to shoot the plates to change the symbols on them. Then, once you crack the code or pattern, you can activate the wish wall easily.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall code

The game works quite simply. In fact, you need to input the correct patterns into the wall of wishes in the last wish raid. Of course, by doing so the player receives a reward, game effect, or even teleport to an encounter.

In fact, the Wall of Wish is a new addition to the present version. Also, as the name suggests, it grants a wish based on the input code you put in.

But, if the player wishes to teleport, they must keep in mind that they cannot return to the beginning of the raid unless the game ends or the weekly reset occurs.

Now, there are 21 buttons inside the room at the beginning. There are 20 buttons on the walls and one on the ground. The players can input a pattern to fulfill a particular wish. In fact, the wish can include any reward or some effect that will be added to the game.

Further, on the wall, there are sixteen different images that one can cycle through. There are sets of four buttons with any particular symbol. So, these are:

  • snake symbols (4)
  • bird symbols (4)
  • dragon symbols (4) and,
  • Fish symbols (4).

Also, there are a few other things regarding these wishes that the players must keep in mind:

For example, a solo player can also avail of these wishes.

And, players can import any wish of their choice. But, they cannot revert back to the start of the game once they decide to teleport. One can teleport to the later bosses without even having to kill the previous ones. Also, if the players use the fourth wish to skip to Shura Chi, they can reach the secret chest and collect the treasure from there.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall

The shuro chi wish wall is very famous among the players of Destiny 2: Forsaken’s last wish raid. In fact, it is a strategic game that can get you quite addicted. There are sixteen images on the screen.

Then, one can cycle through these images to fulfill any wish they want. Thus, there are 16 wishes in total. Now, we can give you a gist of what each wish can make happen.

The wishes are:

  • Wish 1: Gives the player an ethereal key for them to use. In fact, this is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime wish.
  • Wish 2: Spawns a chest between Margeth and the vault. For this, you can easily open the box that holds a ship.
  • Wish 3: Gives an emblem.
  • Wish 4: Teleport to Shuro Chi, the Corrupted
  • Wish 5: Teleport to Margeth, the spirekeeper
  • Wish 6: Teleport to the vault
  • Wish 7: Teleport to Riven of a thousand voices
  • Wish 8: plays song, hope for the future
  • Wish 9: Failsafe Easter egg dialogue
  • Wish 10: Drifter Easter egg dialogue
  • Wish 11: Adds grunt birthday party effects to headshots
  • Wish 12: Adds effect around the player’s head
  • Wish 13: Adds extinguish effect
  • Wish 14: Spawns several corrupted eggs through the raid
  • Wish 15: pending discovery.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall farm

Mostly, players use the wall of wishes to teleport to the hidden chest locations. But, there is one problem. Although you can use the shuro chi wish wall to teleport to locations, you cannot revert back to the initial position once teleported. In fact, you can do that only when the game is over.

Also, players prize the exotic weapons in the Destiny 2 game very dearly. Every exotic has a unique weapon. And, the players can use this very weapon to enhance their gameplay in a great way. So, it only makes sense that every player wishes to possess them and use them to their full potential.

However, a guardian has to fulfill certain requirements in order to gain hold of these weapons.

Now, the primary way is to find the catalyst that can unlock the weapon. So, this is a tough challenge and requires a lot of effort. But, we can provide you with a way that makes finding these catalysts really simple.

One can try to take on shuro chi solo, but it will not be of much help. In fact, that would almost be impossible. But, Guardians can kill swarms of low-power Taken Thralls before the boss’s three-minute timer runs out and the raid wipes.

Also, you have to use the Infusion option under the Weapon menu.

Before you go ahead to the ‘Last Wish’, make sure that the catalyst is activated and applied to your exotic. Otherwise, even if you have obtained the exotic, it will not be of much use at all. Further, players can try picking up as many raid banners as they want to before they leave. Of course, they will be available in the Tower of Legendary Shark or Glimmers. And, you can get it from Hawthorne.

How to Get to wish wall from Shuro Chi?

Firstly, launch the Last Wish raid solo and proceed to the Wish Wall after loading in. Of course, the Wish Wall is a secret spot that may be found before the first encounter. By shooting and cycling through photographs, the Wish Wall is used to punch in codes.

Also, guardians should equip their single-shot weapons at this point, as a weapon like a Pulse Rifle has the possibility of shooting beyond numerous symbols. Further, shoot in the code for the Fourth Wish, without standing on the middle pedestal. When you’re finished, step on the pedestal, and the Wish Wall will whisk you away to the Shuro Chi boss fight.

Then, a spot for Raid Banner tokens may be found just outside the encounter. Now, equip the right Exotic and use the Raid Banner to refresh ammo. Then, all a Guardian has to do is charge ahead and begin fighting.

The spawning of up to three waves of Taken Thralls will begin. Since they won’t get much further than the entranceway, it’s simple to divide the crowd into large groups that can be removed quickly. Finally, the second wave of Thralls will feature knights and the Eye of Riven, an orange bar foe.

You have to try not to kill the Eye of Riven too quickly. This is because the third wave of thralls can spawn before the countdown runs out if the timing is correct. Now, get as many kill as you can before letting the encounter reload, then refuel on ammo with Raid Banners as needed. Of course, players can unlock the majority of Catalysts in very little time by repeating this technique.

Thus, moving from Shuro Chi to the wish wall might not be easy. But, it is not impossible at all.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall Reddit

Often players discuss the ‘Destiny 2’ game on Reddit. Since there are many players in this game all over the world; it becomes very easy for them to do so.

The players phrase various questions amongst the members of the Reddit community. And, in general, they receive well-rounded responses for them as well. In fact, the craze of such games on Reddit is huge.

For example, there are a few players who like listing where to find all the plates in the game. In fact, they like to do that well, in a community.

Also, they add a few tips for the players. Since many of you are not on Reddit, we will try to list them for you:

You can load up the raid and move to the room before the first encounter (Kalli) to reach the wall of wishes.  Take a left instead of opening the fight and follow a sequence of grassy areas with bright plants. You will directly reach the room if you do so. Further, to enter the code, shoot the panels and then stand on the plate.

Also, you have to be cautious while using explosives, as they may accidentally impact other plates.

Further, when you run out of primary ammo, the game will offer you some for free. When using the warp, you can still get to the chest between the first and second encounters. Of course, raid treasure is completely free!

A shining key opens the chest from Wish 2. It appears that we may even go back to collect the chest between the second and third encounters using some jumping skills.

Shuro Chi Wish Wall Not Working

Earlier, fans were making some complaints regarding the game. They said that the game was not working properly. In fact, many could not fulfill their wishes even after making the correct shots. So, they turned to the game helpdesk for it.

Also, Reddit users complained about the exact same thing. Hence, it could be that the players were not being able to input their wishes correctly. If the player inputs the wish correctly, there can be one specific response. And, that will be “You wish to stay here forever”.

However, there could be another thing. It might be that the game is not working properly at the moment. Usually, this happens when the game lacks a few updates. In fact, check your system for junk files in such situations. Because it might be that your system is not supporting the game at that time. If these are not the issues, then do not worry. Then, the game will work properly after some time for sure.

Of course, you could try to log out of the game and then resume playing again after some time.

FAQs on Shuro Chi Wish Wall

  • How do you wish for Shuro Chi?

Ans: The shuro chi wish wall is very commonly played.

Among the fifteen wishes, it is particularly the 4th wish. In fact, the fourth wish lands the player directly against the boss Shuro chi.  Also, you can check any of the game pages of Destiny 2 to know the exact combination of images that you need to get to Shuro chi.

  • How does the Shuro Chi wish wall work?

Ans: Of course, the Shuro chi wish wall is found in the Last wish raid of the game. In fact, its function is exactly what the name suggests. Actually, it grants any wish of the player based on their button inputs. Consequently, almost all players want to visit the shuro chi wish wall. Here, the players can gain some exotic wishes. For instance, they can unlock a new emblem; add a funny effect to kills, or teleport further into the raid.

  • Do you need to complete the last wish to use the wish wall?

Ans: Of course, it will not matter whether you are a solo player or a party. Anyway, you can very easily find the Shuro chi wish wall. But, there is an important thing to keep in mind. If you teleport to an encounter, then you have to finish that raid. That is, you cannot revert back to your original position unless the raid is complete. However, if you take care of this while playing the game, you will face no problems.

  • What is an error code bird?

Ans: If you are experiencing this code, you do not have to worry about it. In fact, this code generally means that the user is facing a general network issue. In fact, this could be your internet connection in general, your connection to the Destiny 2 servers. Or, it could also be an internet service provider issue.

  • What is the error code weasel in Destiny 2?

Ans: Sometimes it might happen that the destiny 2 players try to log in on multiple platforms. Moreover, they might do this after enabling cross-save on their account. Hence, this is when the error code weasel is displayed on destiny 2.

  • Is Destiny 2 offline right now?

Ans: Destiny 2 might be scheduled for backups at certain times. Then, the game is said to be offline. However, no downtime is expected for the same.

  • What does the glittering key do?

Ans: in fact, the glittering key is a part of the Last wish raid. Actually, players need this key to open a chest that spawns after the Morgeth fight. But, it occurs before the Vault encounter. However, the process of making this chest appear is quite tiring and challenging. The Glittering Key unlocks a chest in the Last Wish raid.

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