
Virtual Numbers For SMS: Why You Should Consider It And How It Can Be Advantageous

Virtual Numbers

Virtual numbers have been around for a long time. Thanks to the efforts of reputable telecom providers like Telnum,  many more are learning about this tech. Small businesses especially have become aware of its existence and experienced the benefits for themselves.

The biggest sell for them is cheap calls and low phone bills. That’s why it’s a popular option for call centers, both remote and on-site. With VoIP, they were able to connect to a broader market without setting up a physical shop there. They were able to take advantage of more affordable labor elsewhere.

But there’s definitely more that you can attain by using VoIP numbers. Not a lot have considered using it for SMS. Many people question its practicability because no one texts now anyway. But as we’d discussed in this post, there are so many opportunities that you’ll be opening by doing so.

If you want to learn more about the opportunities that VoIP SMS numbers can create, keep reading. Who knows? This might just be what will take your enterprise to the next level.

Why do you need to give VoIP numbers for SMS another look?

If you’ve given up on text messaging entirely, let us try to change your mind. There are many reasons why you should extend your use of Virtual Numbers to include SMS as well.

SMS is underrated

Most entrepreneurs nowadays are all about following the latest fads in hopes of achieving record growth. And although they can achieve stellar results for a while, all fads come to an end.

Sure, they can still be effective. But it’s going to be a lot harder than it used to be. That’s why you need to explore other options that are severely overlooked. Think of it as getting into an untapped market before everyone else realizes its value!

Most text messages get read within the first five minutes they’re received. That’s why you’re sure that your message will be read by your intended recipient.

A potentially more engaged audience

It’s one thing for them to receive your message, but would they actually care? Chances are they would. Think about how you don’t just give your number to anyone. The fact that you have their contact means they trust you.

Now, you’ll have the opportunity to leverage this trust to get your message across. You’ll have a great chance to nurture a relationship with them, thus increasing your odds of gaining lifelong customers.

Not everyone has a smartphone

Granted, most people do. We’re not suggesting that you do away with your existing communication modes with them. But perhaps there’s some value in reaching out to people who aren’t as immersed in the internet.

Because the internet is the norm nowadays, marketers tend to ignore market segments who don’t like using emails or social media. By engaging these segments that are often ignored, you have the potential to turn them into loyal followers.

How will using VoIP SMS numbers benefit you?

By getting this type of number for your enterprise, you’ll be able to access the following advantages:

New marketing opportunity

Things may be great now, but they could always be better! Using SMS marketing has been seen as a highly effective tool for generating profit quickly. Unlike online sales funnels that take a long time to plan, you only need 160 characters. This can easily be done in an hour or two.

The key here is crafting a message that will resonate with your audience. It should be aligned with the reason you’re texting and in line with your brand voice.

Improved ROAS

Your return to advertising spend is the most objective measure of how effective your marketing strategies are. Considering how undervalued SMS is, it’s easier right now to succeed in this arena.

With everything else remaining the same, you may be able to gain better returns on every dollar spent on advertising. This means the ability to scale even quicker!

Make an impact on a limited budget

If you’re looking for that diamond in the rough, you’ve definitely found it with SMS. Text messages are very cheap to send. You don’t need to spend on paid advertising where you’re constantly trying to outbid companies that may have bigger budgets.

And as we’ve repeatedly discussed, it definitely doesn’t skimp on the results. An SMS list is more engaged and more likely to read your message so your efforts aren’t going to waste.

Should you fail to deliver results, no worries! Because these are cheap to deploy, you can just as easily try again tomorrow.

So if you haven’t gotten one yet, it’s time for you to give Virtual Numbers SMS numbers a try. They’re affordable, powerful, and flexible. Whether in line with your online marketing efforts or just on its own, there will always be used for one.