
Can You Put Hey Dudes in the Washer?

Can You Put Hey Dudes in the Washer

Now, natural from the need for stylish, comfy, and lightweight shoes yet reasonable, Hey Dudes have taken over the casual footwear market. You just have to keep them clean, otherwise, you will have to wash Hey Dude’s shoes.

Certainly, you can simply wash Hey Dude shoes either with a washing machine or by hand and just wipe off the mud, simply remove the insoles and laces, and wash with lukewarm or cold water and liquid detergent. Then deodorize (optional) and air-dry them. 

Can You Put Hey Dudes in the Washer?

Can You Put Hey Dudes in the Washer

We’ll explain what to do in each step and simply note that you can only machine-wash canvas Hey Dude shoes.

If you wish to wash leather, suede, or wool, you’ll need to wash them by hand, and I’ll show you exactly how you can do it. 

How Can You Put Hey Dudes in the Washer?

Now, simply depending on the fabric type, there are two ways to wash Hey Dude’s shoes. They simply include:

  1. Machine Wash 

Machine washing is perfect for canvas Hey Dudes. If that’s the case, here is how you can simply wash Hey Dude shoes in the washing machine:

  • Step 1 (Wipe off mud or excess dirt) – You wouldn’t want mud or dirt to clog your washing machine. Now, for that reason, simply wipe off the mud or grime before loading the dirty shoes into the washer. 
  • Step 2 (Remove insoles and laces) – you need to take the insoles from the shoes and wash them distinctly. Do also the same with the laces.
  • Step 3 (Add liquid detergent into the washer) – you simply need to add a tablespoonful of liquid laundry detergent or less (if your washer is extremely efficient) into the washing machine and make sure to avoid powder detergents as they are rough and may ruin the shoe’s fabric. 
  • Step 4 (Select a delicate wash cycle) – now, simply given that Hey Dudes are delicate, you’ve to match them with a likewise delicate wash setting. That also comprises light and hand wash settings. 
  • Step 5 (Start the wash cycle) – Now that everything is set, you can simply begin the wash cycle to clean your Hey Dudes and just avoid using hot or warm water, which could shrink the shoes, and instead use cold water. 
  • Step 6 (Air-dry the shoes) – Once the wash cycle ends, you need to remove the wet shoes and air-dry them. You also need to avoid direct sunlight as it may shrink the shoes. The same goes for the dryer, which can not only shrink them but also harm them.
  1. Hand Wash

Now, while you can first machine-wash Canvas Hey Dudes, you can hand-wash the rest. Here’s how you can wash Hey Dude shoes by hand:

  • Step 1 (Wipe off mud and excess dirt) – you need to use an old towel or rag to eliminate mud and dirt from your shoes. That’ll make the cleaning easier. But if you’re Hey Dudes aren’t dirty, you can just skip this step. 
  • Step 2 (Add liquid detergent to lukewarm water) – simply put lukewarm water in a basin or bucket and add liquid detergent and just put enough to obtain a few suds. Therefore, a tablespoonful will do, but again, you need to avoid powder detergents as they can abrade the shoes. 
  • Step 3 (Start cleaning) – After that, you need to dip an old cloth or towel into the sudsy water and bloat the muddy shoes. You have to use it to clean the shoes as much as possible but avoid using the bristled brush on the fabric so as not to harm it. You can, however, you need to use the brush on the sole. 
  • Step 4 (Wash off the soapy residue) – you will need to dip a clean rug or towel into plain clean water and then bloat the shoes to simply remove the soapy residues. 
  • Step 5 (Air-dry the shoes) – Now that the shoes are clean, you can simply put them to dry. Air-dry them away from direct sunshine. 

How can you Deodorize Hey Dude Shoes?

We might have skipped the deodorizing step because it’s voluntary, but it typically comes after the air-drying stage. Occasionally you might want to give your Hey Dudes a fresh smell. If so, consider these deodorizing options. 

  • Option 1 (Baking Soda or White Vinegar)

Now, either of these household reagents can just eliminate foul smell from your Hey Dudes. Add baking soda to the shoes and permit them to sit overnight. 

You can just trash the baking soda powder the following morning and wear the shoes. However, if you apply white vinegar, you’ll simply need to wipe it inside the shoes and leave them to air dry. 

  • Option 2 (Dryer Sheets)

If you can simply access some unusable dryer sheets, you can just stuff them into the shoes (one in each shoe). Then, you need to leave the sheets in the shoes overnight and trash them the following morning. But just for the best deodorization, simply use scented sheets. 

  • Option 3 (Tea Bags)

You can also use tea bags to give your Hey Dudes a fresh smell. Tea bags are decent absorbers, so you can leave them in your shoes overnight to simply eliminate the foul odor. 

  • Option 4 (Freezer Method)

Finally, you can just kill off the bad smell by freezing your Hey Dudes and the cold freezer temperature will simply kill the bacteria that cause your footwear to smell. 

Now, just wrap the shoes in plastic bags after cleaning them, and simply load them into the freezer. This, however, can be a little gross for a freezer you use for food preservation. 

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